Hello Friends, Hope you enjoying well, Today we going to give you a new trick of AirTel 3G TCP vpn configs for free net/Gprs in your mobile and computer. Recently we posted idea which are perfectly working fine in many states and we have receive positive feed back also. There is so many days left we does not post any airtel trick so we decided to post new again.Because you know airtel is our favorite network for free net.
So let's start... Requirement For this AirTel 3G Tcp Vpn Trick
If you have all basic requirements which above listed,then you are ready to go for next steps.And i hope you have every thing. Now most important thing ,Now download config file from below link First.
** Download AirTel Tcp Config File 4m Here*** Now i Hope you downloaded above file form datafile host link.Now you are ready to move next step.Now choose you pc user or mobile user ,means on which medium you are going to use it and choose those medium and follow the steps. For PC Users: 1.Connect your system with modem/Mobile with APN airtelgprs.com 2.Download The Attachment of Airtel Tcp 3G Vpn Trick (if downloaded all ready then go to next step). 2.Install Nmdvpn and Put configs(or exact) Here (C:\Program Files\NMDVPN\config) in your system location 3.Windows 7 and Windows 8 Users RUN NMD VPN as the Administrator. 4.Just Connect given server and Enjoy. And if you have not a PC/Computer Then you can also enjoy free net in your android mobiles. For Mobile users: Android mobile use can also use these airtel tcp 3G Trick configs with their android devices just you need to follow these simple steps :
Download and extract config in SD card.
Go to Google Play Store Search for open vpn for android. Or Click Here
Install Open Vpn in you android device.
Add airtel tcp 3G Vpn Config to open Vpn folder.
when it ask user name password (see earticleblog txt file in attachment) enter it.
Run and Enjoy :)
Hope you follow all process and enjoyed this trick. Note- Do't try at higher balnce your balnce got deducted.Use it at 0 rs balnce. And for avoiding sim blockege we recommend you use any small data pack (not necessary )